The species is characteristic of tropical America. In Venezuela, it frequently occurs in arid regions, particularly of the west (in the States Zulia, Lara, Falcon and Trujillo), as well as in the east (the States Sucre and Nueva Esparta). Its ecological niche is the spiny tropical woodland.
Ethnobotanical and general use
Economical utilization
During certain months of the year, stem and branches are covered with a semi-transparent astringent greenish gum or lac which is soluble in alkali and is used locally for making soap. Natives use the cortex together with oil of marine turtles and salt as a lotion to cure contusions and dislocations. The gum could be used industrially for lacquer production.
Medical use
The cortex is used in popular medicine as an antidysenteric, principally for live-stock and other domestic animals. A drink is prepared of a decoction of the cortex in water to assist the expulsion of the placenta.
Chemical contents
The cortex contains large amounts of arabinose and xylose.
Enfermedad o síntoma
Parte utilizada
Forma de preparación
Infusión con azúcar quemada
Modo de administración
Vía oral
Tucumán, Argentina
1) South American medicinal plants : botany, remedial properties, and general use / I. Roth, H. Lindorf. Berlin ; New York : Springer, c2002. -- p. 492.
2) Ceballos, Sergio J.; Perea Mario C./ Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas, vol 13, no 1, 2014. - p. 47 - 68