Is the best known species. The tree has a large very oily seed with an aril. PITTIER (1926, 1970) gives the following information, citing GUMILLA ('Orinoco ilustrado .. :, Madrid 1741): 'the oil obtained from the seeds is as soft as butter and is rolled into globules of one pound in weight and sold for 8 reales of silver each. It is a much wanted remedy against itching and an excellent preventive for sand-flea and mosquitos. It is furthermore a stomachic: a globule of the s ize of a h azelnut taken with 2 mouthful of water releases from stomach ache. Two or three globules of the same size taken with some water have a purgative effect' . GUMILLA thinks that many other virtues of this species will be discovered with time; perhaps now is the time for these discoveries.
South American medicinal plants : botany, remedial properties, and general use / I. Roth, H. Lindorf. Berlin ; New York : Springer, c2002. -- p. 492.