Shrub 1.2m, secondary forest, outskirts of San Andrés.
Uses: crush leaves, drink juice for snake bites or rub onto body as snake repellent; boil root in water with other roots, bathe snake bite; place piece of stem on tooth for toothache. Comerford 18, 30 Jun 1994.
Folk medicinal uses
The young stem and leaves of this species provide a decoction for flatulence and, according to Steggerda, serve as a tonic for the blood. Browne says the root is sudorific, diaphoretic and good for dropsy, and that the leaves and shoots were used in baths and fomentations. The fruits provide an alternative to commercial pepper.
Folk medicinal uses
The leaves and twigs of this and other Piper species are still used in baths for fever and pain and the tea may also be drunk for the same complaints and for dysmenorrhoea. Among the Brazilian Indians Piper spp. are used to treat. wounds and toothache.
1) COMERFORD, Simon C. Economic Botany. vol. 50 . -- p. 327 - 336 1996
2) Asprey, G.F; Phylis Thornton/ Medicinal plants of Jamaica. Parts I & II. – p. 23.
3) Asprey,
G.F; Phylis Thornton/ Medicinal plants of Jamaica. Parts III &
IV. – p. 67