Leaf: leaves mashed with water, drops in eye for eye sickness.
Distributed throughout India. Common in waste places and road side.
Plant—febrifuge, diaphoretic (infusion of herb, combined with quinine, is used against malaria). Used as a specific herb for leucorrhoea, dysuria, spasm of bladder, strangury and for haematological disorders, as a blood purifier and styptic. Also used in asthma.
Seeds—anthelmintic, antiflatulent, antispasmodic; used in dysuria, leucoderma, psoriasis and other skin diseases.
Roots—anthelmintic; decoction used for colic.
1) Barret, Bruce Economic Botany vol. 48, nro. 1 .-- p. 8-20 1994.
2) Khare, C.P./ Indian Medicinal Plants. -- Nueva Dheli: Springer, 2007 . - p 698.