Nasturtium officinale R. Br.

Nota de alcance

DIVERSIDAD GENÉTICA Y MEJORAMIENTO DE PLANTAS MEDICINALES= Medicinal plants and improvement of medicinal herbs:

In present study, Nasturtium officinale has been used as a plant. The plant has been collected from the campus of Dicle university. The study has been achieved in vitro. Air roots of the plant with the same number and morphology of leaf has been chosen. For biosorption of Mn2+ metal ions by Nasturtium officinale, the solutions were prepared as 0.1; 0.3; 0.5; 1; 2; 3; 4 and 5 ppm, respectively. Water samples has been prepared from 1000 ppm stock and put them to balon joje. After this process, the plants have been transferred to the erlens and wait for 24,48 and 72 h. The erlens have been tightly closed with parafilm. The general appearence of the plants have been observed at the beginning and after 24 h. The plants has been analyzed with atomic absorption spectrometry by receiving 2 mL of water samples for calculation of concentration. The A and B values have been found by drawing the calibration lines in UV. The wet weight has been measured with sensitive balance. The quantity of Mn2+ absorption of plants has been calculated with the dependence of the wet weight.

Nota de alcance (en)

Leaf: In French Guiana, an infusion is used to treat bronchitis.


Origins: In thick beds in cold, flowing water of ditches, small rills, slow streams, brooks, and ponds.

Uses: This floating herb is widely used as a fresh edible green. The leaves are very rich in vitamins A and C. Spanish speaking people in New Mexico eat the plant as a treatment for kidney and heart trouble, and use it crushed in cold water as a treatment for tuberculosis. In Europe it is used to increase urine flow and to combat rheumatism and bronchitis.
Toxicity: Pregnant women are warned not to use it because it may cause abortion.


Cultivated in Bengal, Orissa and Punjab.


Leaves—antiscorbutic, expectorant (used in catarrh of the respiratory organs), diuretic (used in kidney and bladder disorders), detoxifying. A lotion of leaves is applied to blotches, spots and blemishes. Fresh herb is used as a blood purifier.

Nota de alcance

PARTE UTILIZADA= Used part: Partes aéreas.

ACCIÓN FARMACOLÓGICA= Pharmacological action: Bronquitis, enfermedades de los pulmones, enfermedades cutáneas, tos convulsa y diabetes.

COMPOSICIÓN QUÍMICA= Chemical composition: Compounds: Glucosinolates in the fresh, unbruised plant (0,9% of fresh weight): chief components gluconasturtiin (80%), wich releases during the course of cell destruction the mustard oil phenyl ethyl isothiocyanate, from wich 3-phenyl propionitrile, among other substances, spontaneously arises; additionally glucotropaeolin (yielding benzyl isothicyanate), as well as 7-methyl thioheptyl glucosinolate, 8-methyl thiooctyl glucosinolate. Flavonoids. Vitamin C (80 mg/100g)

ZONA GEOGRÁFICA= Geografical zone: Argentina, Uruguay, Camino de Santiago. 


Distribución: Regiones Tarapaca, Atacama, Coquimbo, Valparaiso Metropolitana de Santiago, O’Higgins, Maule, Nuble, Biobio, Los Rios, Los Lagos. Archipielago Juan Fernandez.

Usos medicinales: Se usa para el tratamiento de enfermedades renales y hepaticas. Ademas, es digestiva y depurativa. La planta cocida en leche se usa para combatir enfermedades como catarros y resfrios. El zumo se usa para expulsar lombrices. La planta molida y con sal se usa externamente para curar heridas ulcerosas.

No lo deben usar en gran cantidad las mujeres en el período del embarazo. También contraindicado en gastritis y problemas de tiroides.
Limpiar cuidadosamente la planta, pues frecuentemente en las hojas existen huevos y larvas de parásitos que pueden provocar infecciones.
En dosis muy altas pueden producir irritaciones en el estómago y en el riñón.
Parte utilizada:
Hojas y partes aéreas.
Aperitivo, vitamínico, diurético, estimulante del cuero cabelludo, antitusivo y expectorante.
Inapetencia, convalecencia, anemia, prevención del escorbuto, afecciones genitourinarias, sobrepeso (cuando está acompañado de retención de liquido), faringitis y bronquitis.
En uso externo se utiliza en infecciones, dermatitis seborreica y caida del pelo.

Nota bibliográfica

1) GONZALEZ, Matías ; LOMBARDO, Atilio ; VALLARINO, Aida. Plantas de la medicina vulgar del Uruguay. Montevideo : Talleres Gráficos, 1937, p.26.

2) PDR for herbal medicines . 4th ed. Montvale: Thomson Healthcare Inc., 2007. p. 886.

3) Oak-Kara, Y. ; Basaran, D. ; Isikalan, C. Studies on accumulation of Mn2+ by Nasturtium officinale in water by biosorption. Asian Journal of Chemistry. 2009, vol.21, nº2, p.1176-1180.

4) Geraldini , Isanete, Journal of Ethnopharmacology v. 173, 2015 . -- p. 383-423

5) Robertt, A., et al.. Medicinal Plants of the Guianas (Guyana, Suriname, French Guyana)/Smithsonian NMNH. cited online: 17-08-2017.

6) Plantas silvestres comestibles y medicinales de Chile y otras partes del mundo/Cordero R., Sebastián; Abella A., Lucía; Galvez L. Francisca; Corporación chilena de la madera: Concepción, 2017 . -- 292 p.

7) A guide to medicinal plants of  Appalachia/ Krochmal, Arnold; Walter, Russel S.; Doughty, Richard M.: USA: U.S.D.A Forest Service:,1959

8) Khare, C.P./ Indian Medicinal Plants. -- Nueva Dheli: Springer, 2007 . - p  436.

9) María Stella Cáceres A.; et al./ MANUAL DE USO DE HIERBAS MEDICINALES
DEL PARAGUAY/ Fundación Celestina de Pérez Almada con apoyo de Unesco Montevideo. p. 39.

Nasturtium officinale R. Br.

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