Leaf: Infusion used as a sedative and calmative, and to reduce heart palpitations.
Folk medicinal uses
Boiled to make tea, this species is said to be "good medicine" and is used in the treatment of colds, "hot belly" and perhaps constipation. It is regarded as valuable medicine for "heavy chest" and asthmatical breathing in babies. According to early writers this plant heals wounds and ulcers and in decoction with honey and a little alum makes an excellent gargle and mouth wash. The juice was used on sore eyes.
1) Robertt, A., et al.. Medicinal Plants of the Guianas (Guyana, Suriname, French Guyana)/Smithsonian NMNH. cited online: 17-08-2017
2) Asprey, G.F; Phylis Thornton/ Medicinal plants of Jamaica. Parts III & IV. – p. 58.