Leaf: In Surinam, leaves are mixed with water and applied to the head to cool it and promote hair growth in typhus patients. Decoction used for treating urinary problems. Leaf has emollient mucilage used as a skin softener in French Guiana.
Origin: Native to the Pantropic.
Pharmacological Activities: Tyrosinase inhibitory, Antioxidant and Cytotoxic.
1) Robertt, A., et al.. Medicinal Plants of the Guianas (Guyana, Suriname, French Guyana)/Smithsonian NMNH. cited online: 17-08-2017
2) A guide to medicinal plants / Hwee Ling, Koh; Tung Kian, Chua; Chay Hoon, Tan. Singapore: World vScientific Public Co. Pte. Ltd., 2009. p 289 p.