Root: Bark is rubefacient, used for hoarseness, sore throat and scurvy.
Stem: Bark is antiscorbutic. Bitter, purgative, febrifuge.
All parts of the tree are reported to be used as cardiac and circulatory stimulant.
Pods—antipyretic, anthelmintic; fried pods are used by diabetics.
Flowers—cholagogue, stimulant, diuretic.
Root juice—cardiac tonic, antiepileptic. Used for nervous debility, asthma, enlarged liver and spleen, deep-seated inflammation and as diuretic in calculus affection. Decoction is used as a gargle in hoarseness and sore throat.
Root and fruit—antiparalytic.
Leaf—juice is used in hiccough (emetic in high doses); cooked leaves are given in influenza and catarrhal affections.
Root-bark—antiviral, anti-inflammatory, analgesic.
Bark—antifungal, antibacterial.
Stem-bark and flower—hypoglycaemic.
Seeds—an infusion, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and diuretic; given in venereal diseases.
1) Robertt, A., et al.. Medicinal Plants of the Guianas (Guyana, Suriname, French Guyana)/Smithsonian NMNH. cited online: 17-08-2017
2) Khare, C.P./ Indian Medicinal Plants. -- Nueva Dheli: Springer, 2007 . - p 425.