Origin: Swamps and low ground, meadows, and banks of streams.
Uses: This plant is very poisonous. Its dried roots and rhizomes, when properly prepared, are a strong cardiac stimulant drug. It is emetic, diaphoretic, sedative, and analgesic.
The temperate regions of northern hemisphere; introduced in Jammu and Kashmir for cultivation.
Rhizomes and roots— cardiac depressant, hypotensive. (Contraindicated in cardiac disease. Large doses cause bradycardia.) Used in the treatment of convulsions, headache, neuralgia, inflammatory affections of respiratory tract; and as sedative. Formerly used for high blood pressure, especially associated with toxemia of pregnancy.
Contraindicated in cardiac disease.
Large doses cause bradycardia.
1) A guide to medicinal plants of Appalachia/ Krochmal, Arnold; Walter, Russel S.; Doughty, Richard M.: USA: U.S.D.A Forest Service:,1959.
2) Khare, C.P./ Indian Medicinal Plants. -- Nueva Dheli: Springer, 2007 . - p 697.