Origen y distribución: nativa de la región del Mediterráneo, se cultiva en Europa y América por su esencia. Crece desde el llano hasta 1800 ms.n.m, en suelos secos y pedregosos, expuestos al sol.
Partes utilizadas: flores.
Propiedades: aromática, carminativa y antidyspeptica, balsámica, antiespasmódica, vulneraria, antiséptica, antibacteriana, analgésica, sedante.
Lavender is native to France and the Western Mediterranean area. It was an important herbal medicine in the Middle Ages, and the Pilgrims brought it to North America to treat headache, apoplexy, and epilepsy among other conditions. The essential oil of the flowers is useful as a first aid remedy. It is antiseptic and relieves pain and inflammation on burns, stings, and wounds. Lavender is best known for its calming and soothing effect and is helpful in insomnia, irritability, headache, colic, and some types of asthma. The name comes from lavare, the Latin word for “to wash.” Lavender added to bath water can relieve muscle tension, calm the nervous system, and promote a good night’s sleep.
Part used::
Europe, Mediterranean
1) El uso popular de las plantas medicinales en Uruguay/Grosso, Lilia. - Icei, 2010. -- p. 88
2) Hull, Kathleen; Photog. Hull, Meredith /Indiana Medical History Museum: Guide to the Medicinal Plant Garden./ USA: Indiana Medical History Museum. 2010. -- p. 58.