Partes usadas:
Usos tradicionales:
a) uso interno: flores y hojas en insuficiencia cardiaca e hipertensión arterial.
La infusión se prepara con 2 cucharadas de flores con hojas para 1 litro de agua recién hervida, dejar reposar 20 minutos: beber 1 taza 3 veces al día.
b) uso externo: en reumatismos.
La decocción (cocimiento) se prepara con 1 cucharada del vegetal para 1 litro de agua, hervir por 10 minutos. Usar como compresas.
cardiotónico, antirreumático.
administrar con precaución durante el embarazo y en pacientes con tratamiento con drogas antihipertensivas y de acción cardiovascular como por ejemplo la digoxina.
This small to medium sized tree with thorns typically grew in a hedge, also known as a “haw.” Traditionally this plant was used to increase the flow of urine and eliminate kidney stones. Since the late 19th century, an extract of hawthorn flowers and berries has been used to increase the action of the heart muscle and improve congestive heart failure and other cardiovascular conditions. The active constituents of the berries have been shown to dilate coronary blood vessels and reduce peripheral resistance in the circulatory system. This leads to increased cardiac output and lowered blood pressure. The effects of hawthorn occur only after the herbal remedy has been taken for some time.
Part used::
Flowers, Berries, Leaves
Europe, Asia
Hierbas medicinales/ Chile. Ministerio de Agricultura. p.64