Some of the largest trees on the museum grounds are catalpas, recognizable by their coarsely grooved bark, heart shaped leaves, and long cigar-like seed pods. There are two species represented. C. speciosa (known as Western catalpa, Northern catalpa, and Hardy catalpa) has a taller, narrower, rectangular overall appearance and is not medicinal. C. bignonioides (known as Eastern catalpa, Southern catalpa, American catalpa, Indian bean tree, and Fish bait tree) has a more rounded shape and has been used medicinally. Its catalpa leaves were used as poultice for wounds, and tea made from seeds treated bronchitis and asthma. Tea made from the bark had antiseptic, laxative, and sedative properties. Plus, it was used to expel intestinal worms and as a snakebite antidote. Other species of catalpa in China also were used as medicine for worm infestations
Part used::
Bark, Seeds, Leaves
Hull, Kathleen; Photog. Hull, Meredith /Indiana Medical History Museum: Guide to the Medicinal Plant Garden./ USA: Indiana Medical History Museum. 2010. -- p. 58.