Throughout the warmer parts of India.
Leaves—spasmolytic. Ash of flower head—applied to burns and scalds, in ringworm and other skin diseases.
Folk medicinal uses
It is doubtful if this species is much used in Jamaica but one country "midwife" mentioned it under the name of "pick nut" as an ingredient of a bath for use, after labour and also in baths for fever patients. In Trinidad the leaves are used to make tea for stomach. ache and as a salve for eczema. Related species are used in South Africa in a similar way while some Leonotis spp. are said to be narcotic. In the Congo, Madagascar and Nigeria L. nepetaefolia is used as a purge, tonic, emmenagogue, febrifuge. as an application for syphilitic ulcers and as a dressing for headaches. The active principle appears to be a resin.
1) Khare, C.P./ Indian Medicinal Plants. -- Nueva Dheli: Springer, 2007 . - p.372.
2) Asprey, G.F; Phylis Thornton/ Medicinal plants of Jamaica. Parts III & IV. – p. 59.