PARTE UTILIZADA= Used part: Hojas.
ACCION FARMACOLOGICA= Pharmacological action: Antirreumático, antihemorroidal (hojas), madurativo, antisárnico, narcótico, venenoso, antiinflamatorio, sedante, antiespasmódico.
COMPOSICIÓN QUÍMICA= Chemical composition: Chemicals ALKALOIDS Fruit 12,000 ppm; DUKE1992A Leaf 11,000 ppm; DUKE1992A ; ANABASINE Leaf: DUKE1992A ; NICOTINE Leaf: DUKE1992A ; NORNICOTINE Leaf: DUKE1992A ; RUTIN Leaf 12,000 - 21,000 ppm DUKE1992A ; ppm = parts per million tr = trace
ZONA GEOGRAFICA= Geografical zone: Argentina.
Enfermedad o síntoma
Heridas e infecciones
Dolor de muela
Parte utilizada
Infusión que se bebe sola o con vino
Forma de preparación
Se ponen en las brasas y se les retira la cutícula
Vía oral
Puestas en las brasas, se les retira la cutícula y se embeben en grasa
Modo de administración
Se coloca sobre la muela
Tucumán, Argentina
Although tree tabacco (Nicotiana glauca – Solanaceae) is probably native to Argentina, at present this shrub can also be found in Southern Bolivia, Chile, Uruguay, Brazil, Paraguay, as well as in other temperate regions throughout the Word. The decoction of the leaves is topically used amongst several ethnic groups in Northwestern Argentina in the treatment of several ailments. However, the toxicity of this plant due to the presence of the alkaloid anabasin has limited its oral use, although some pharmacological studies have shown that the extracts possess antimycotic and anti- inflammatory activities.
However, the toxicity of this plant due to the presence of the alkaloid anabasin has limited its oral use
“Cariri Paraibano”, Brazil
Medicinal indication
Against asthmas and migraine: Dried leaves
- Avoid in pregnancy, lactation, and in small children
- Contains nicotine
Medicinal properties:
- Arthritis (topical)
- Asthma (smoked)
- Fever (leaves applied on stomach)
- Headache (leaves applied on temples)
1) TOURSARKISSIAN, Martín.-- Plantas medicinales de Argentina: sus nombres botánicos, vulgares, usos y distribución geográfica.-- Buenos Aires : Hemisferio Sur, 1980, p.124
2) Dr. Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases [en línea]. [Consulta: 02 de Diciembre, 2008 ] Disponible en:
3) ALONSO, Jorge ; DESMARCHELIER, Cristian. Plantas medicinales autóctonas de la Argentina : bases científicas para su aplicación en atención primaria de la salud. Buenos Aires: L.O.L.A, 2005, p. 376.
4) Plantas medicinales autóctonas de la Argentina. Bases científicas para su aplicación en atención primaria de la salud / Jorge Alonso y Cristian Jorge Desmarchelier. - 1a ed. - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Corpus Libros Médicos y Científicos, 2015.
5) Ceballos, Sergio J.; Perea Mario C./ Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas, vol 13, no 1, 2014. - p. 47 - 68
6) M.F. Agra; et al/ Medicinal and poisonous diversity of the flora of “Cariri Paraibano”, Brazil/ Journal of Ethnopharmacology 111 (2007), p. 392.
7) Armando González Stuart/ Plants Used in Mexican Plants Used in Mexican Traditional Medicine Traditional Medicine: Their Application and Effects In Traditional Healing Practices. - p. 157 - 158