Asparagus officinalis L.

Nota de alcance

PARTE UTILIZADA= Used part: Raíz.

ACCIÓN FARMACOLÓGICA= Pharmacological action: Diurético, aperitivo, para las afecciones del corazón y contra la hidropesía.

COMPOSICIÓN QUÍMICA= Chemical composition: Aim: To investigate the chemical constitutents in the roots of Asparagus officinalis for obtaining a more comprehensive understanding on its effective components. Methods: Compounds were separated by column chromatography with silica gel, ODS and Sephadex LH-20, whose structures were elucidated by spectral analysis and chemical evidence. Results: Fourteen compounds were isolated from EtOH extract. Their structures were identified as: alpha-D-fructofuranose-1,2`: 2,1`-beta-D-fructofuranose dianhydride (1), 1,3-O-di-trans-p-coumaroylglycerol (2), tetracosanoic acid (3), 4`, 7-dimethylkaempferol (4), rutin (5), quercetin (6), 5-hydroxymethyl-furaldehyde (7), L-asparagine (8), caffeic acid (9), ferulic acid (10), inosine (11), n-butyl-beta-D-fructofuranoside (12), ethyl-beta-D-fructopyranoside (13) and sucrose (14). Conclusion: Compound 1 was a novel natural compound; 2, 4, 7, 10 - 13 were isolated from the plant for the first time.

ZONA GEOGRAFICA= Geografical zone: Uruguay.

Nota de alcance

DIVERSIDAD GENÉTICA Y MEJORAMIENTO DE PLANTAS MEDICINALES= Medicinal plants and improvement of medicinal herbs:

The genus Asparagus includes a group of wild species that are closely related to the cultivated Asparagus officinalis (2n = 2x = 20). The narrow genetic background present in the asparagus cultivars shows the importance of asparagus landraces and the wild related species. The study of both genetic resources becomes necessary to facilitate their effective use in the breeding programmes. 'Morado de Huetor' (MH) and 'Violetto d'Albenga' (VA) are tetraploid asparagus landraces (2n = 4x = 40) cultivated in Spain and Italy, respectively, and whose origin remains unknown. To discover the origin of these landraces, a phylogenetic study was conducted based on restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA). The sequence of the two internal transcribed spacers (ITS) flanking the nrDNA5.8S gene (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2) were analysed for RFLP in 11 populations including both landraces (MH and VA), A. officinalis (wild and cultivated) and a group of closely related wild species (Asparagus maritimus, Asparagus prostratus, Asparagus pseudoscaber and Asparagus tenuifolius) with a European distribution. Restriction fragment patterns of both cultivated asparagus (2x) and two populations of A. maritimus (6x) from the Adriatic Sea area were present in the MH landrace. However, VA showed a similar pattern to A. officinalis. This study revealed that MH seems to be a hybrid between A. officinalis and A. maritimus that may have occurred in the Adriatic Sea region where hybridisations between cultivated diploid and wild species may have taken place. The origin of another tetraploid landrace (VA) might have had a similar origin but followed a different evolutionary path. Therefore, these landraces constitute a valuable genetic resource that could be used to enlarge the genetic background of modern cultivars. The ploidy levels of the populations employed in this study were analysed and levels not described previously were detected: A. maritimus (12x), A. tenuifolius (6x) and A. pseudoscaber (2x). © 2008 The Authors.

Nota de alcance (en)

Range. Europe, Asia, North Africa. Not common in Upper Myanmar. Found in humid locations; cultivated in hilly and cooler regions.

Whole plant: Has cooling properties and a sweet taste. Leaves, stems, shoots, roots and fruits are all beneficial for humans. The plant is considered especially beneficial for new mothers, to fortify the blood and help prevent anemia. It is used to break up phlegm, as well as to control the gall bladder, external hemorrhaging, and vomiting of blood.

Shoot: Eaten to eliminate gas and to strengthen the body.

Shoot and Root: Considered especially useful for ex­tra strength, either cooked on their own or incorporated into rice pudding with milk.

Root: Bulbous, can be boiled to make a paste for external application as a remedy for inflamed joints, aches, and flatulence disorders. For urinary tract disorders and various liver and gall bladder diseases, the juice of the roots mixed with honey and/or milk is ingested. The juice mixed with an equal amount by weight of milk is consumed as a cure for long-standing kidney stones and gallstones. It is also taken as a cure for diseases caused by poisoning.


Native to Europe and West Asia.

Diuretic, laxative, cardiotonic, sedative, galactagogue; used for neuritis and rheumatism, as well as for cystitis and pyelitis.

Nota bibliográfica

1) GONZALEZ, Matías ; LOMBARDO, Atilio ; VALLARINO, Aida. Plantas de la medicina vulgar del Uruguay. Montevideo : Talleres Gráficos,1937, p.57 .

2) HUANG, X.-F., et al. Chemical constituents of Asparagus officinalis. Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines. 2006, vol.4, nº3, p.181-184.
3) MORENO, R., et al. Origin of tetraploid cultivated asparagus landraces inferred from nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacers' polymorphisms. Annals of Applied Biology. 2008, vol.153, nº2, p.233-241.

4) DeFilipps, Robert A.; Krupnick, Gary A. / PhytoKeys, v. 102. - - p. 1 - 314,  2018.

5) Khare, C.P./ Indian Medicinal Plants. -- Nueva Dheli: Springer, 2007 . - p. 836.

Asparagus officinalis L.

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