Citrus aurantium Risso

Nota de alcance

DIVERSIDAD GENÉTICA Y MEJORAMIENTO DE PLANTAS MEDICINALES= Medicinal plants and improvement of medicinal herbs:

Genotypes of 4 native Citrus spp. (Citrus tachibana, C. depressa, C. taiwanica, and C. aurantium) of Taiwan have been studied by using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. We also estimated the relations between the 4 native Citrus species and the popular cultivated Citrus species. The analysis was conducted by orange-and mandarin group. Fifty one arbitrary 10-mer primers generated 277 randomly amplified DNA fragments in orange group, and 13 primers generated 189 randomly amplified DNA fragments in mandarin group; these were scored for the analysis. The 4 native Citrus species have been successfully distinguished from each other and other cultivated species by the RAPD analysis. The RAPD profiles of wild samples of C. depressa and C. taiwanica were slightly different from the specimen conserving in CAES, which showed the diversity possibly resulting from the environmental stress. Further work is needed in establishing the easy-identification method for wild samples of native Citrus species by RAPD markers.

Nota de alcance

PARTE UTILIZADA= Used part: Hoja.

ACCION FARMACOLOGICA= Pharmacological action: Estomacal, sedativo, antiespasmódico, calma el dolor de cabeza, sudorífico, tónico, febrífugo.

ZONA GEOGRAFICA= Geografical zone: Uruguay. 


Origen: planta nativa del Sureste Asiáico, también en Costa Rica.

Favorece la expulsión de gases gastrointestinales, aliviando los cólicoa; alivia el dolor de cabeza y sínomas de la gripe; combate los parásitos intestinales; baja la fiebrey disminuye la tos; controla el asma; desinflama y alivia esguinces y ttorceduras; disminuye los trasornos nerviosos.

Partes usadas:

Usos tradicionales:
insomnio, nerviosismo, estrés (infusión de flores); dispepsias, inapetencia, indigestión, asma, gripe, resfríos, tos (cocimiento de la cáscara); fragilidad capilar.
La infusión se prepara con 1 cucharada de flores para 1 litro de agua recién hervida, dejando reposar durante 5 minutos: beber 2 tazas en la tarde.
La decocción (cocimiento) se prepara hirviendo 1 cucharada de cáscara en 1litro de agua durante diez minutos: beber 1 taza 3 veces en el día.
sedante suave, hemostático, estomacal.

puede producir efectos adversos cardiovasculares ya sea en la frecuencia cardiaca o en la presión sanguínea, los que son significativamente potenciados por cafeína. Está contraindicada su administración simultanea con medicamentos que contengan ciclosporina. Deben evitar su consumo personas en tratamiento con IMAO (antidepresivos Inhibidores de la enzima MonoAminoOxidasa), con hipertensión severa, diabetes mellitus, glaucoma e hipertrofia prostática. Administrar con precaución en embarazadas y niños menores; no exceder las cantidades indicadas.

Nota de alcance (en)

Tree 6.1 m, pathside in San Andrés.

Uses: boil leaves in water, bathe for high temperatures; boil leaves in water with leaves of other species, drink for vomiting or stomach aches; boil leaves in water with sugar, drink for nerves; boil leaves in water with leaves of other species, add drops of "essencia de maravillosa," drink for stomachache; tear leaves, steep in water, strain, pour on hot coals in pan. Strain and drink with drops of Agua Florida for high blood pressure and stress; boil leaves in water with salt, bathe to improve blood circulation. Comerford 58, 8 Sep 1994.

Fruit, leaf: attacks, colds, diarrhea, fever

Leaf: Used in a sedative infusion in French Guiana. Fruit: Refreshing, slightly acidic juice is drunk for influenza, and used for cleansing wounds. In Guyana, a slice of fruit is eaten with salt to control a fever. Peel and pulp are bitter.

Fruit: Used for treatment of biliousness in NW Guyana.



Folk medicinal uses

A decoction of orange leaves or peel is used for stomach-ache and as a bitter tonic. The juice of sour oranges is used for colds and sore throat. In Africa roasted orange is sometimes applied to ulcers and yaws. Bitter orange is thought to be a remedy for rheumatism.

Nota bibliográfica

1) GONZALEZ, Matías ; LOMBARDO, Atilio ; VALLARINO, Aida. Plantas de la medicina vulgar del Uruguay.-- Montevideo : Talleres Gráficos, 1937.

2) LIN, S.Y.; CHEN, I.Z. RAPD profiling of four native citrus species in Taiwan. Acta Horticulturae. 2008, vol.773, p.29-36.

3) COMERFORD, Simon C. Economic Botany. vol. 50 . -- p. 327 - 336 1996

4) Barret, Bruce Economic Botany vol. 48, nro. 1 .-- p. 8-20 1994

5) Robertt, A., et al.. Medicinal Plants of the Guianas (Guyana, Suriname, French Guyana)/Smithsonian NMNH. cited online: 17-08-2017

6) Quesada Hernàndez, Alonso/ Herbario nacional de Costa Rica. Costa Rica: Arena Trans Amèrica, 2008. - p. 61

7) Hierbas medicinales/ Chile. Ministerio de Agricultura.  p.64

8) Asprey, G.F; Phylis Thornton/ Medicinal plants of Jamaica. Parts I & II. – p.

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