PARTE UTILIZADA=Used part: Hojas frescas, raíces, flores.
ACCIÓN FARMACOLÓGICA=Pharmacological action: Depurativa, espasmolítica, digestiva, analgésica, antirreumática, antiinflamatoria, emoliente, vulneraria.
POSOLOGÍA=Posology: Artritis, ciática, neuralgia y reuma. Poner un puñadito de hojas y flores en un poco de vinagre hasta que est se evapore. Después se ponen en una tela o paño las hojas y las flores y se aplica directamente sobre la parte afectada por el mal. Esta cataplasma ha de colocarse caliente. Se pone por la noche y, a veces, otra al mediodía.
COMPOSICIÓN QUÍMICA=Chemical composition:Heterósidos iridoides, verbenalina, verbanina, mucílagos, ácido cafeico, taninos, aceite esencial, principio amargo, invertina, emulsina
ZONA GEOGRÁFICA=Geografical zone: Caminos de Santiago
Verbena officinalis was called “the sacred herb” by Dioscorides in the 1st century AD. Throughout history it has been used as a panacea with tonic, restorative, anti-anxiety, anti-stress properties. Other uses were for migraine headache and to improve absorption of nutrients in the digestive tract. Research has shown some estrogenic and progesterone-like actions, and the herb has been used as a uterine stimulant and to promote milk production.
Cardiac patients and pregnant women should avoid taking vervain.
Part used::
Aerial parts
Europe, Africa, Asia
Range. Widespread in temperate and subtropical regions. Cultivated in Myanmar.
The plant is bitter, cooling, useful for congestion, and as an antidote for insect bites.
Leaf: Rubefacient used for rheumatism.
The Himalayas, Khasi and Lushai Hills, Bihar, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra.
Plant—nervine, antidepressant, anticonvulsant; prescribed in liver and gall bladder complaints (spasm of the bladder and strangury), nervous and menstrual disorders; also for bronchitis, asthma and febrile affections.
1) ALFARO, Txumari, Plantas y remedios naturales de los caminos de santiago. Barcelona: B.S.A. 2008, p. 230.
2) Hull, Kathleen; Photog. Hull, Meredith /Indiana Medical History Museum: Guide to the Medicinal Plant Garden./ USA: Indiana Medical History Museum. 2010. -- p. 58.
3) DeFilipps, Robert A.; Krupnick, Gary A. / PhytoKeys, v. 102. - - p. 1 - 314, 2018.
4) Khare, C.P./ Indian Medicinal Plants. -- Nueva Dheli: Springer, 2007 . - p 698.