Echinacea angustifolia

Nota de alcance

PARTE UTILIZADA= Used part: Raíces.

ACCIÓN FARMACOLÓGICA= Pharmacological action: Inmunomoduladora, antiinflamatoria, actividad sobre vías respiratorias, antiinfecciosa,

EFECTOS ADVERSOS Y/O TOXICOLOGÍA= Adverse effects and pharmacology: en algunos casos aparición de sialorrea, altas dosis pueden ocasionar náuseas y vértigos. Las formas inyectables pueden ocasionar escalofríos, fiebre y debilidad muscular. En Alemania se recomienda no usar equinacea al tener algunas enfermedades como por ejemplo diabetes entre otras. Los tratamientos por vía parenteral no deben superar las 3 semanas y los de uso oral y tópico 8 semanas.

COMPOSICIÓN QUÍMICA= Chemical composition:
Equinaceína, equinacósido, acido oleico, ácido linoleico, ácido certínico, ácido palmítico, fitnesteroles, humuleno, burneol, burnil acetato, germacreno D cariofileno, mucopolisacáridos, etc.

ZONA GEOGRÁFICA= Geografical zone:

Nota de alcance

DIVERSIDAD GENÉTICA Y MEJORAMIENTO DE PLANTAS MEDICINALES= Medicinal plants and improvement of medicinal herbs

Equisetum arvense L. is a herbaceous medicinal plant, commonly known as horsetail, whose exts. have been reported to possess diuretic and haemostatic properties.  The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of fingerprint chromatog. methods on com. available raw materials or prepns. of E. arvense in order to ascertain their quality and identify possible adulterants using HPLC and HPTLC densitometry.  Two chromatog. methods were used to det. the chem. fingerprints of E. arvense and other allied species.  The first was based on HPTLC identification followed by densitometric measurement at 350 nm.  The second was based on HPLC sepn.  The ease of sample prepn. and the possibility of simultaneous anal. of several samples in a short time make HPTLC a method of choice for the comprehensive quality evaluation of herbal products.

Nota de alcance

ÚLTIMOS AVANCES EN LA QUÍMICA Y ACTIVIDADES BACTERIOLÓGICAS EN LAS PLANTAS MEDICINALES= Medicinal plants, last advances on chemistry and bacteria activities on the medicinal herbs

AIM:  Among pediatric population the recurrent upper respiratory tract infections are very common.  Several phytotherapies are been proposed as support therapies and, in particular, the efficacy of Echinacea angustifolia is controversial.  This paper presents an evaluation of a new herbal compound in the treatment of recurrent upper respiratory tract infections in a pediatric cohort.  METHODS:  An immunostimulant herbal compound of Echinacea angustifolia, Arabinogalactan, Acerola (Vitamin C), Beta- Glucan e Zinc (Imoviral® Junior) was given to 37 children affected by recurrent pharyngotonsillitis or otitis media.  RESULTS:  The mean number of inflammatory episodes (i.e. tonsillitis or otitis media) during 6 months before treatment was 3±2.19, during the 6 months following treatment initiation it was 1±0.93 (P=0.04).  After the complete treatment, 77% of children reported an improvement of chronic inflammatory in frequency of acute episodes.  The total score of a questionnaire about life quality is improved (P=0.04).  Finally, none collateral effects was occurred.  CONCLUSION:  The herbal compound of echinacea, beta-glucan, vitamin c, arabinoglactan and zinc (Imoviral® Junior) can improve the quality of life in pediatric patients affected by recurrent pharyngotonsillitis and otitis media without contralateral effects.

Nota de alcance (en)

The flower of echinacea is one of the most beautiful in the medicinal plant garden. The active ingredients in this plant have anti-inflammatory and immune-stimulant properties. Besides having these cortisone-like qualities, Echinacea also is bactericidal and insecticidal. The plant is indigenous to the central plains of North America and was used by many Native American tribes for a variety of ailments. Now, Echinacea is the top selling herbal remedy in the United States. The roots and sometimes the flowers are used to prevent and treat colds and the flu, and to treat yeast infections, herpes, acne, insect bites, and other inflammatory diseases. Some studies show that Echinacea decreases the symptoms in acute colds and flu when taken after onset of symptoms, but it does not protect against catching a cold or flu when taken on a long term basis. A 1999 Consumer Reports study showed up to 500% variation in the amount of active compounds among over the counter herbal Echinacea products in the USA, with marked variation even among pills in the same bottle. Echinacea should not be used by transplant patients or by those with autoimmune diseases.

Part used::
Roots, Aerial parts


Nota bibliográfica

1) ALONSO, Jorge R. Tratado de fitomedicina : bases clínicas y farmacológicas. Buenos Aires : ISIS, 1998, p. 483.

2) Minetti A M, et al. Efficacy of complex herbal compound of Echinacea angustifolia (Imoviral® Junior) in recurrent upper respiratory tract infections during pediatric age: preliminary results.  Minerva pediatrica. 2011, vol. 63, nº 3, p. 177-182.

3) Hull, Kathleen; Photog. Hull, Meredith /Indiana Medical History Museum: Guide to the Medicinal Plant Garden./ USA: Indiana Medical History Museum. 2010. -- p. 58.

Echinacea angustifolia

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